From a thorough understanding of the human history from a Biblical perspective, and knowledge in science and theology author Plammoottil Cherian elucidates a vivid picture of the current state of the Christendom under the power of secularism, atheism, and apostasy in a confused and chaotic world. The Church is at the crossroads of confusion losing its power in spreading the Gospel at a time when it is most needed. The Book in five separate parts describes:

  • Who is true God, the foundation of Church, and God’s religion.
  • What the mission of the Church is.
  • Church and nations are living in an Age of Delusion, and a generation of compromised Christians.
  • Apostacy is on the rise and Church without Christ like in Laodicea.
  • Global Unhappiness because God is on the sidelines.
  • There is perfect harmony between science and Christian faith.
  • The world has been experiencing the bowls of wrath of God.
  • Nations morally deteriorate by the spiritual blindness of leaders of Church and State.
  • Humanity has been experiencing the hoofbeats of the four horses in the Book of Revelation.
  • The nations and Church are in the state of Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin.
  • The Babylons of the world nations are about to fall, unless aligned with God.
  • The Grace Age is ending soon, as scientific evidence proves the Biblical prophecies.
  • The pressing need of the Church is to prepare believers for Christ’s Second Coming.

As a scientists and theologian, Dr. Cherian analyzes the present world culture and explains the Biblical prophecies that we are at the threshold of Church that lost the faith, and calls church and nation’s leaders to realign with God for his guidance and continued blessings.

Plammoottil V. Cherian, Ph. D, a retired professor with over fifty years of experience in biological and medical sciences, has completed his new book, “Church And Grace Age: Theological Explanation of State of Church, Nations, and the Cosmos at End Times”: a groundbreaking treatise that delves into the pressing issues confronting the Church and nations in the modern era.

Having held positions at esteemed institutions such as the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, author Plammoottil V. Cherian, Ph. D’s academic journey began with a fascination with evolution, but shifted focus to the intricate design of cells, leading him to explore the intersection of science and theology. Drawing on his expertise in various scientific disciplines and theology, he has authored numerous books that offer profound insights into the relationship between scientific discoveries and biblical teachings. Through meticulous research and analysis, Dr. Cherian challenges conventional notions, presenting compelling evidence that debunks the theory of evolution while highlighting the grandeur of God’s creation as depicted in the Bible.

Divided into five distinct parts, “Church And Grace Age” tackles a range of crucial topics, from the foundational principles of God’s religion and the mission of the Church to the rise of apostasy and moral deterioration in both religious and secular spheres. Through a careful analysis of biblical prophecy and scientific evidence, Dr. Cherian illuminates the urgent need for believers to prepare for Christ’s Second Coming amidst the looming end of the Grace Age.

“Human beings with eternity set in our hearts are immortals living in a mortal world but have deviated from God and operate without his guidance,” writes Dr. Cherian. “But as Christ’s return is closer, we must know the truth that we are only ‘being saved’ and not ‘already saved’ as some denominations wrongly teach. If our salvation was guaranteed forever, Paul would not have warned, ‘I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me’ (Phil. 3:12 NLT). Therefore, it is of paramount importance that the Church prepares every single faithful one to reach that perfection to be his Bride. With that call, I submit this book to the public.”

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Plammoottil V. Cherian, Ph. D’s new book draws upon the author’s extensive expertise in both science and theology in order to paint a vivid portrait of the current state of the Christian Church and present a roadmap for spiritual renewal and revival in a world of moral decay. With its compelling blend of scholarship, insight, and urgency, “Church And Grace Age” stands as a timely and powerful call to action, urging believers of all backgrounds to heed the signs of the times and prepare themselves for the fulfillment of God’s ultimate plan.

Readers can purchase “Church And Grace Age: Theological Explanation of State of Church, Nations, and the Cosmos at End Times” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon or Barnes and Noble.