
Unlocking Bible, Universe
and Science for a Perfect Fit



crumbling civilization

Our Crumbling Civilization and Collapsing Universe of 5 Percent


- It is the biggest question of all in the universe, when and from what universe came into being and how it expanded. It puzzled Einstein and many other cosmologists after him. Finally, they have discovered the particle, which they mysteriously named the God particle. As the mystery surrounds this particle, their quest will end in finding God, the source of the particle. - In an age when biblical truths are considered fairytales by many scientists, Dr. Cherian courageously reveals the truth that in the beginning the universe was void and darkness prevailed in the entire cosmos until God separated darkness by his eternal light and used 5 percent of the dark matter to create the universe and everything within it. He links the Scriptures and the science behind the dark matter and the scientists who were divinely guided to name it the God particle. - Newton's and Einstein's dreams have been materialized and though not accepted by the vast majority of scientists openly, many are compromising that universe formed from a cosmic evolution, life evolved abiogenetically and God interjected his presence into the process of evolution to claim his role-a most absurd stand. - While the latest scientific discoveries tackled the biggest mystery of the universe, scientific discoveries have corroborated the truth man (humanity) is nothing but a speck of the dust (Ps. 103:14). - God who created the universe "sits enthroned above the circle of the earth and stretches out (expands) the heavens like a canopy and spreads them out like a tent (Isa. 40:22) and is holds the universe in his hands. - Dr. Cherian brings to light the neglected truth that science and theology are the perfect match of God's truth in the universe. - Most of the scientific discoveries deciphered during the last five hundred years are recorded in the Bible including water in the exoplanets, the dark matter and dark energy that have been discovered recently which the author has succinctly explained. - The author also reveals that from Plymouth Rock to Independence Hall and throughout the length and breadth of America, the profound Christian heritage is engrained in every inch of the land, and America cannot negate God from our land. - God's systematic order of creation was schemed as stages of unguided evolution. - Like a skilled attorney, the author explains America is part of the "Israel of God and a member of the Commonwealth of Israel," as explained by Apostle Paul. The United States of America and the United Kingdom are two nations blessed by God, and we have a moral mandate to preserve our godly culture and civilization and lead other nations to follow before Armageddon, which is imminent.


Caste, Color, Culture and Christ

Theological and Genetic Truth of the Nonsense of Racism

From lack of understanding of the genetic aspect of the skin color of human race, there have been sporadic outbursts of racial unrest and racially motivated killing of black people. With a depth of knowledge in science and theology, the author explains the following: •Human skin color is genetically determined, and all people on earth have the same number of genes, for the skin color. •We must destroy the dividing wall of hostility based on color. •People in the tropical regions have dark skin, and people in cold regions have light skin. •Origins of caste and race are man-made while dark skin color is divinely designed to protect people in tropical regions. •Hot, humid, arid, or cold climate influence genes for dark or light skin color. This is the biology, theology, and genetics of human skin color. •It is by God’s design that people of all ethnicities have gathered in the United States (Ezekiel 36:24). •America is the Second Israel for all believers. •The human race is unique, having originated of one blood. •We must follow the example of Christ to overcome bias against color and ethnicity. •Ask ourselves, in a culture when truth is relative and justice denied, “Is His Truth marching on in our nation?” •Protect democracy from the threat of fascists and white supremacists. •The scourge of SARS-Cov-2 can be healed by God only and the nation must heed to the Almighty. As a scientist and a lay theologian, Dr. Cherian analyzes the present world culture and confirms the Biblical prophecies that we are at the threshold of “religion without the Holy Spirit, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell.” From recent scientific discoveries of the black hole and dark energy, with prophetic insight and vision, the author explains the location of the Lake of Fire (hell) while explaining that the location of the heaven is a secret place that

Distress of Nations, A Sign of End Time

Drawing from the rich background of both science and theology, and analyzing world events daily, the author concludes that the world is in an era of moral crisis for the sole reason of rejecting God. Analyzing the world events, the author relates that the rider on the white horse, the Antichrist (Rev. 6:1-3) is on the loose; and the beginning of the appearance of the first beast (Rev. 13:1-4) and the second beast (Rev. 13:11-15, 16:13) is happening, as governments around the world are becoming ungodly, even in nations that are founded on Judeo-Christian doctrines. We cannot literally explain the remaining biblical prophecies as they are meant for a distant future. They were prophesied centuries to millennia before, pointing to a distant future, which is now as the world events reveal. Why do the nations reject God and the political leaders act without a moral conscience as we see every day in our nation and around the world? Are we relating the distress of the nations with the mounting cosmological evidence that indicates the end of the universe? Are so many Christians so ignorant that they do not discern the times and events that tell the end is near? Wielding supreme command of biblical theology and history, world history, various branches of science, popular culture, and the politics of America for the last fifty years, and with rare skills with a pen, author Dr. Plammoottil Cherian explores the current state of the world in chaos and explains that many in the world are under a strong delusion as prophesied in 2 Thess. 2:3-10.This is a thoughtful book that explains the terribly wrong trajectory of present American politics that reveals the following: The distress of the nations has caused a new world order of moral crisis. The moral compass of many political leaders is undergoing decay because they have taken God out of the nations and Christ from our churches and they are employing politics without moral principles. The Christian faith is facing danger due to the rise of false prophets who propagate bigotry and racism, under the veil of White supremacy supported by Christians who ignore the true gospel. Under the strong delusion, conscience is vanishing from the world. Our sacred democracy is in peril because of the hypocrisy of godless politicians. Because of Godlessness, there is a dark cloud hanging over the nations. The pandemic of COVID-19 is savaging the nations. It is an end-time pestilence, and the world is in the valley of tears. From his superb theological understanding, Dr. Cherian relates biblical prophecies that are being fulfilled at the present time. The siege of the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, is a true example on earth of the "distress of the nations"; and the author calls America to strengthen our moral fiber and lead the nations, as a watchman of the times. As a scientist and theologian, Dr. Cherian analyzes the present world culture and events and reveals the biblical prophecies that we are at the threshold of the cosmological events to take place at the final days of the universe.


Democracy in America: Is it in Peril?

Democracy in the world is backsliding in many countries around the globe at the present time due to various reasons. Different nations may have their own particular reasons such as socioeconomic inequality, poverty, failure of checks and balances that may result in an abrupt military coup d'etat to change from democracy to tyranny. In nations where democracy failed, there were no tanks on the street. Constitution of the land remained, but elected leaders became autocrats, maintaining a veneer of democracy.America, being a nation with nearly 80 percent of Christians, has been the strongest democracy in the world who championed it as the model for the rest of the world. However, democracy in America appears to be in peril because of political bickering, partisan gridlock, and promulgation of falsities, misinformation, and faux faith by one political party.By introducing the foundational principles of democracy from the philosophical arguments of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, the author shows how and why the cornerstone of democracy in America shows signs of crumbling. The book vividly explains:Politics without God will shatter the foundation of democracy.Present political system rejects the checks and balances laid by the founding fathers.The right wing has cultivated a spirit of untruth that spreads like a wildfire.Rejecting truth by political parties and leadership is a sign of strong delusion.There is a clear moral bankruptcy in the present political sphere of our nation.The brightness of democracy in America which Tocqueville praised has been tarnished.Hypocritic and dishonest leaders should not reign, lest the people be ensnared.American politicians must register their solemn oath in heaven to act in truth.No nation can be established in one day but can shatter in one day by a despot.America must realign with God to lead the nation in truth, justice, and freedom for all.Democracy turns to tyranny when a moral man becomes amoral.With biblical prophecies and instructions, the author shows that America faces a real threat to its democracy unless it resists tyrants with all their mind, soul, and strength, which is obedience to God who can anchor the nation on its solid foundation set by the Founding Fathers. Every citizen, political and judicial leaders of the nation, are the cupbearers and the watchmen of the nation.


Finishing the Race Human History, Life, and Race before Us

FINISHING THE RACE Stimulating, theological, and packed with fascinating historical details of Human Race from a Biblical perspective, author’s lively tour of the entire Bible traces the origin of human race from one man whose progeny spread to the entire earth, filled the earth, established their nations with set boundaries. Author establishes the historical account of creation challenging the concept of Darwinian Evolution which claims man is an evolutionary product. Author stresses that there is only One God who created the universe—the cosmos, the planets, stars, life, and the multitude of living species of organisms with the command endowed in their DNA, when God said, to herbs, plants, and animals to multiply “according to its kind,” “according to their kind,” which is the basis for biological variation and speciation. Whereas God’s command to human beings was “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it,” meaning there is only one single race of humanity. Author has a profound Christian vision of humanity’s temporal and eternal destiny, and thus, he relates in Finishing the Race: In an age when truth is relative, and vanishing conscience, the nations are the crossroads, confused about the true direction as nations are estranged from God. The present culture is “as in the Days of Noah” quoting Jesus and citing world events and conditions as signs of the end. An end time scenario of world and the second coming of Christ when a northern and a southern army will clash in fierce battle over Jerusalem, the Holy City of God, the capital of the Messianic Kingdom. Not claiming any superiority, like many of the past and famous scientists like Galilei Galileo, Blaise Pascal, Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Robert Boyle etc. Cherian attempt to convince his readers God is in control of human and world affairs, and natural events. Heaven and hell are not mysterious realms of imagination but true physical entities invisible to human eyes and calls the nations to submit to God who only is the answer to national, and global unrest that we see now.


Church And Grace Age: Theological Explanation of State of Church, Nations, and the Cosmos at End Times

From a thorough understanding of the human history from a Biblical perspective, and knowledge in science and theology author Plammoottil Cherian elucidates a vivid picture of the current state of the Christendom under the power of secularism, atheism, and apostasy in a confused and chaotic world. The Church is at the crossroads of confusion losing its power in spreading the Gospel at a time when it is most needed. The Book in five separate parts describes: Who is true God, the foundation of Church, and God’s religion. What the mission of the Church is. Church and nations are living in an Age of Delusion, and a generation of compromised Christians. Apostacy is on the rise and Church without Christ like in Laodicea. Global Unhappiness because God is on the sidelines. There is perfect harmony between science and Christian faith. The world has been experiencing the bowls of wrath of God. Nations morally deteriorate by the spiritual blindness of leaders of Church and State. Humanity has been experiencing the hoofbeats of the four horses in the Book of Revelation. The nations and Church are in the state of Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin. The Babylons of the world nations are about to fall, unless aligned with God. The Grace Age is ending soon, as scientific evidence proves the Biblical prophecies. The pressing need of the Church is to prepare believers for Christ’s Second Coming. As a scientists and theologian, Dr. Cherian analyzes the present world culture and explains the Biblical prophecies that we are at the threshold of Church that lost the faith, and calls church and nation’s leaders to realign with God for his guidance and continued blessings.

Plammoottil Cherian, M. Div., Ph. D. is committed to propagating this truth to the academic world through lectures, media, and online programs so that the world may come to know God’s words and believe and trust him. He is an invited speaker at churches and religious meetings teaching the Word of God and the systematics of divine creation.’

Dr. Plammoottil V.

Dr. Cherian is a retired professor after fifty years of academic career in research and teaching.


He received his PhD in life sciences from Indiana State University and postdoctoral training at the University of Pennsylvania. Subsequently, as a research scientist and professor, he worked on many biological and health sciences projects in the Department of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Passionate about teaching and helping students gain in-depth knowledge about the complexities of life from bacterium to a behemoth, and human life, he devoted full time to teaching before retiring.


Early in his career, he was fascinated by the theory of evolution, which finally evaporated as he gained knowledge of the fine structure of cellular machinery that are skillfully and wonderfully designed to function the complex life of organisms. With irrefutable evidences from science, he proved that that unguided cosmic evolution and abiogenesis are impossible, and the theory of evolution is a myth and hoax. He is the author of Origins of the Universe, Life and Species: New Perspective from Science and Theology (Covenant Books, 2018), which details God’s design of the universe and the systematic cre- ation of the multitude of species. His second book, Promised Land: Whose Land, Whose Promise, Who Shall Inherit (Covenant Books, 2019), succinctly details the inheritance of the true promised land, far beyond the earthly Canaan. With a mind of Isaac Newton, he examines the scriptures, unlocking the deep mysteries of the Bible and connecting them with science, proving God is in action and controls the universe and human affairs. Our Crumbling Civilization and Collapsing Universe of 5 Percent, a profound exposition that breaks down the scriptures to unravel the Bible’s mysteries and fuse them with concepts of science.


America The Beautiful: Our Vanishing Heritage; Why Our Hallowed Faith Matters

Dr. Plammoottil V. Cherian

America is a nation among the nations, strictly founded on faith. The role of Christianity in developing a civilization and culture deeply rooted and intricately intertwined with the Christian faith and doctrines is unquestionable. The Bible is for the government of the people, by the people, and for the people. (John Wycliffe) America was not born on one day. At the appointed time God conceived her and delivered her with much labor pain to the Founding Fathers, but with a repentant people, we shall be born anew, instantly. America's heritage and history are not for sale nor to be rewritten by generations who do not know the history nor interested in preserving history. We are exclusive in heritage, culture, and civilization rooted and built in Christ, but we are inclusive of all, the rich and the poor, the weak and strong, and multiethnic heritage of the land. Poor in the nation are the responsibility of the rich and the State. In America, the Beautiful: Our Vanishing Heritage, Dr. Cherian concludes, "America is the lit candle set in the West, a lighthouse for the world when deep darkness covers, and fear grips us." Let not vanishing faith and dishonesty destroy America.

When we are living in a culture when generations are confused about truth, because of a delusion (2 Thess. 2:10–12), truth must be revealed, and shall prevail.

Dr. Plammoottil V. Cherian